The holidays are officially here, y’all! YIPPE! We are so excited and preparing for the BIG upcoming feast. The recipes, the family, the conversations, the sweet tea…our list of excitement goes on and on, Sweeties! We are countin’ down to the day of Thanksgiving, a day and night jam-packed full of festivities.
Planning for a big meal like Thanksgiving its traditionally in the South full of dessings, gravy, and butter. Talk about wrecking your diet! Sure, it’s only one day out of the year where folks like to throw caution to the wind and really indulge. But Sweeties, Thanksgiving meal doesn’t always need to lead to a Thanksgiving belly ache or uncomfortable food coma after-no way! Today, we’re sharin’ some tips n’ tricks on how y’all can have a healthier Thanksgiving dinner!
1) Cook More Veggies
Let’s start simple . Add more vegetables, fruits and whole grains to your menu this year. Most of us don't eat enough produce and we are really lacking in fiber in our diets and those wonderful resources. This holiday, try making your plate half of vegetables. That means loading up on green beans, carrots, and beets. Your belly will thank you! Keep away from starchy potatoes this time ‘round, y’all!
2) Mix Up Your Protein
Don’t forget about the protein! Our body needs protein to build and repair tissues. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. And with Mr Turkey on the table, Thanksgiving is anything but short on protein.Turkey is the star of the show this holiday but cooking some fish will make your meal on the lighter side and will help you feel less full and bloated!
3) Watch Portions
Alright, y’all! This one is gonna take some self control, but you can do it! It’s tempting to eat all of the dressing, mashed potatoes, and turkey but your stomach and over all health will thank you for this…portion control! Adding a bunch of healthy foods to your plate filling it from side to side can be a bad thing. Don’t feel that you need to measure every serving of creamed corn, but don’t let your eye dictate what your stomach really needs. Chew your food well to help aid in digestion too!
4) Limit Salt and Cut Sugar
We are always preachin’ to swap out that sugar for something better that won’t spike blood sugar. Use sugar free in recipes when possible and skip out on the salt. Southern Breeze Sweet Tea offers a family size hot brew line of tea bags that are at your service this Thanksgiving. Try our sugar free Original, Peach, Raspberry, and Half & Half blends to keep your guests happy and that sweet tooth away. Bubbly sodas and soft drinks can fill your belly up fast. This holiday, sip sugar free!
5) Be mindful and Enjoy Yourself
That’s right, be mindful this holiday. Y’all worked so hard this year workin’ to stay trim, work out a little more, and keep your blood sugar low. Our advice is don’t kiss your hard work goodbye just for one meal! Really think about what you’re putting on your plate this year. You can do this!
Some other important tips to note is to keep hydrated (hellloooo zero calorie Southern Breeze!) and don’t force yourself to eat when you are feeling full. Sweeties, sharing is caring. If ya like this post, share with all of our Thanksgiving lovin’ pals!