How to Plan a Southern Halloween Tea Party
Hey there, sweeties, can y'all believe that it’s time to start thinking about the Fall season and all things involving pumpkins, Fall leaves and a nice cup of sweet tea or a hot cup of tea if it’s getting chilly! When you are an avid celebrator of the Fall and Halloween season, it’s never too early to start planning for a Southern Halloween Tea Party!
How do you plan for a southern Halloween tea party? The goal is to focus and plan ahead of time. This involves setting a budget, deciding on a theme, picking a date, sending out tea party invitations, purchasing tea party decorations and selecting the right tea you plan on serving at your party.
No need to worry, y'all. We have the tips and tricks you need below to plan the perfect Southern Halloween Tea Party!
How to Plan a Witches Tea Party
There are so many cool witch tea party ideas you can do for your party. We have you covered with spooky tea ideas that include:
- Asking guests to paint their fingernails black or green
- Making a witch hat ring toss
- Bobbing for apples from a witch’s cauldron complete with dry ice sitting at the bottom
- Holding a pumpkin carving or pumpkin decorating contest
- Hosting a broom racing contest after attendees decorate their own personalized brooms
- Decorating a witch’s hat for a creative activity
- Hold a cackling contest
- Play pin the tail on the flying monkeys
Halloween Tea Party Food Ideas
Many people wonder what kind of food they should serve at a Halloween Tea Party. Well, that depends on the age of the invitees. Here’s some ideas below based on age groups.

Halloween Children’s Party Food
Looking to plan a tea party and need food ideas for children? Some cool ideas that kids will love include:
Mummy Dogs
Talk about easy. Wrap croissant dough around a hot dog and cook in the oven. When complete, add mustard for eyes and add a dish of mustard for dipping. The kids will love the look of these mummies.
Mummy Meat Loaves
Make individualized meatloaf cupcakes and frost with mashed potatoes and spooky faces made of peas.
Monster Wraps
Try making sandwiches in wraps, cut the wraps in half and then make fin spooky faces with cheese and other condiments to make little Frankenstein sandwiches.
Ghost Pizza
This might be the easiest one yet. Make a cheesy ghost pizza by putting blobs of cheese on top of the sauce. When cooked, the melted cheese turns into ghosts that just need faces!
Halloween Treats and Desserts
- Make mini apple pies by using a pumpkin-themed cookie cutter for the dough and making pumpkin hand pies
- Dip long pretzel sticks into melted white chocolate to make chocolate dipped ghosts
- Make fun spider cupcakes complete with edible spiders and spun sugar webs on the frosting
- Dip large marshmallows on toothpicks into melted white or dark chocolate and make fun ghosts, Dracula and more.
- Get creative with the sugar cookies and make different color icings to decorate cookies like pumpkins, spiders, ghouls and other spooky creatures
- Melt marshmallows on the top of brownie bites and you have spooky boo brownies
- Rice Krispie Treat Pumpkins. Yes, it’s a thing!
Halloween Decorations for Tea Parties 101
There are so many cool Halloween decorations for tea parties that you can pull off with relative ease, ya’ll! Here’s some quick ideas for y'all to get those decorative creative juices flowing:

Halloween Themed Tea Party Decorations
- Find some fun vintage Halloween plates that are orange and black. Looking for something easier to clean up? Throw away plates and cups do just fine too.
- Put small pumpkins on the plate of each table setting for a fun Fall festive look
- Make creative Halloween-themed banners that you can put around the table or on the backs of the chairs
- Find some black and white checkered tablecloths and put orange runners along the top for a nice table look
- Witch hats with names on them can act as place setters
- Make cobwebs that dangle from the chandeliers
- Make Halloween garland out of orange and black colored paper for the table and the lights
Halloween Tea Party Invitations
The best thing about technology is you can plan and design any invitation, send it to a site and have your design-themed invitations mailed to you in time to send them out for your tea party. Ideas for Halloween tea party invitations are:
- Witch-themed
- Pumpkin themed
- Ghost-themed
- Teapot themed with Halloween decorations adorning the border
- Spider-themed
- Ghost or goblin-themed
Halloween Tea Party Sets
It’s easy to put together a fun tea party set for a Halloween tea party. Some tips and tricks include:
- Find an all black tea set that you can decorate with ghosts or other goblins on the teacups and the teapot.
- Orange teapots and cups can act as pumpkins
- Place a witch’s hat on top of your teapot
- You can find fun Halloween tea sets on sites like eBay and Etsy.
- Find cool Halloween plates, saucers, mugs and cups
Choose Southern Breeze for Your Halloween Tea Party Today
We told y'all that we would have you covered for the perfect Southern Halloween Tea Party, didn’t we? All that’s left to do is pick the perfect southern iced tea to go with your party!
Will it still be warm in the South for your party this year? Relax and decorate a Halloween-themed pitcher and make some cold iced tea with our Cold Brew Sweet Iced Tea Bundle! Want to let your guests choose which tea to make? Set out cold water pitchers and let them pick their own flavor from a Cold Brew Sweet Iced Tea 8 Pack Bundle!
Looking for a spooky Halloween themed sangria? Make sure to find out Fall Sangria recipe here.
Contact us today y'all, and learn more about our Southern Breeze sweet tea benefits!