Printable Southern Signs
Down South we've got plenty of clever ways of sayin' things, don't we? From "Bless Your Heart" to "well, I never!" there's a Southern saying for every occasion!
And there's just no place like the South, y'all. We're not just sweet tea makers and drinkers, we're Southerners to boot! Made in Georgia and sweet as Georgia peach, Southern Breeze is all about bringin' the Southern culture to everyone!
So we've collected our fave Southern sayings and made printable signs out of 'em! Spruce up your living room, kitchen, or porch with the signs below. These 8x11 posters are super easy to print, frame, and hang around the house! We know y'all are just gonna be pleased as punch...scroll down to print these free Southern signs!
How to print your Southern signs:
Right click on the sign you like best and click "Open image in new tab." In the new tab, you'll only see the sign you picked. Use the Print function on your browser (or press Ctrl + P) to print!
"Hope Always, Love Deeply, Drink Sweetly"
"Cheers Y'all!"
"May Your Tea Be as Sweet as Your Words"
"Life Needs More Sweet Tea and Sunshine!"
Let us know in the comments below: Which sign is your favorite? What are your fave Southern sayings, y'all?