8 Money Saving Tips When Losing Weight
Weight loss and adopting a healthier lifestyle can seem very expensive. After you’ve invested in new workout gear, a gym membership, and a fridge full of the latest healthy food items, you might be left with little to no money, which can put a pause on your health goals. Before you stretch your budget beyond your means, check out these 8 money saving tips when losing weight.
- Go “meatless” a few times a week.
Going meatless a few times a week is an easy way to knock off pounds and save money. Instead of purchasing those pricey cuts of meat, look for healthy meat substitutes such as beans and soy protein. Most canned peas and beans cost about one dollar per can and they can be used in several recipes. Be sure to look for reduced sodium or no-added-salt labels when purchasing those canned goods.
- Buy in bulk.
Buying in bulk is a great way to budget for long-term savings and weight loss. For example, try buying a whole chicken and utilizing it for different meals, such as in a salad AND soup. Or you can buy a large container of oatmeal and portion it out, rather than those expensive individual packs. The same goes for buying big bags of rice and frozen veggies versus individual containers.
- Shop the perimeter of the grocery store.
Shopping the perimeter of the store can help you to avoid those expensive convenience foods that are usually located in the front and center of the store. A lot of those foods are processed and conveniently pre-packaged, which tends to cause these products to be more expensive. Avoiding these items can help you save money and allow you to stock up on items that are healthy and inexpensive.
- Skip the convenience food.
A big part of weight loss is portion control. We have to make sure that we take the time to portion out our food carefully to avoid overindulging, but those helpful little 100-calorie snack packs can be very tempting… and expensive. Instead, keep a measuring cup on hand to scoop out the proper portions of whatever you're munching on rather than paying more for packaging.
- Workout at home.
Working out is a huge component of weight loss, but spending money on gyms can get very expensive. Try turning a portion of your home into a workout area. Whether you've got a spare room to use or simply lay out a yoga mat in the living room, make it your own workout sanctuary. You can stock up on cheap workout DVDs or download a free workout app on your smart phone.
- Grow your own produce.
This may be easier said than done, but it’s worth a try. You can start by planting a few herbs, or a few small veggies until you get the hang of it. This will help you save money, and you’ll burn a few extra calories while working out in the yard!
- Eat breakfast at home
Life gets busy, so most of us are rushing out of the house in the morning and stopping by a local coffee shop for breakfast. Spending $5-$10 a day can add up very quickly and can cause a lot of unwanted calories. Instead, try making a simple, healthy breakfast at home. You can try making granola or oatmeal in a crockpot, meal prepping a few healthy breakfast sandwiches the night before, or just taking the time to have a bowl of whole grain cereal. This will help to avoid those unnecessary and expensive breakfast stops on your way to work.
- Make Your own beverages
If you take the time to look at the price tags on those single serving bottles of juice, soda, and refrigerated coffee beverages, you’ll notice that the cost can add up pretty quickly! And if you take the time to look at the nutrition facts, you’ll notice that those calories can quickly add up to unwanted pounds! Try making your own healthier beverages at home! You can easily add fresh fruit to a pitcher of water, or you can make a pitcher of Southern Breeze Sweet Tea using the family size tea bags! Each family size tea bag makes 1 quart of sweet tea with all the flavor and none of the calories!
Losing Weight | Healthy Weight | CDC. (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttps://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/losing_weight/index.html
Smith, S. B., & Smith, S. B. (2017, September 29). This Is How Much Money You Can Save By Losing Weight. Retrieved from https://www.rd.com/health/diet-weight-loss/lose-weight-money-save/