Favorite Southern Sayin's
Sweeties, livin’ in the heart of the South, we’ve heard our fair share of Southern sayin’s, phrases, and quotes! It's true, when you visit the dear 'ol South, you just may find yourself needing a translator! Us Southerners have a larger mouthful of Southern phrases that only Southerners would fully understand and use regularly.
If you were born n' raised in the South, you might just find yourself resorting to blurting out Southern sayin's without even batting an eye! We're talkin' phrases like "bless your heart" and "y'all come back." Let's take a look at our most beloved Southern sayin's and their meanings.
- “North is a direction, South is a lifestyle!”- Means the Southern life is the way to be!
- "Lord have mercy!"- Means and expression of disbelief.
- "Bright eyes and bushy tailed"- Means to be peppy or bubbly.
- "Whatever floats your boat"- Means whatever makes you happy.
- "Stick a fork in me, I'm done!"- Means I’m finished.
- "Raised by sweet tea and sunshine!"- Means raised on the great outdoors and sweet tea.
- “This ain’t our first rodeo!”- Means we know what we’re doing.
- “ Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy.”- Means mind your own business and you will have any easy life
- “She’s like whiskey in a teacup”- Means she looks sweet but she is fierce.
- “Kiss my grits”- Means mind your business.
- “Never underestimate the power of a hissy fit!”- Means never underestimate people's strong feelings.
- “Southern girls bless hearts, but they take names too, sugar!”- Means Southern girls may be cute but they can be tough.
- “ A whole like of class and a whole lot of sass”- Means to stay classy but have a sassy side.
- “She’s as pretty as a peach”- Means beautiful as a sweet Georgia peach
- “Southern cookin’ makes ya good lookin’!” Means Southern looks good and puts meat on your bones.
- “In the South, it’s called “supper” not “dinner”- Means Southerners prefer the word supper.
- “City lights got nothin’ on country nights”- Means Southerners prefer the country life.
Sweeties, no glimpse into the South would be complete without some oh-so-sweet, Southern style sweet tea. Southern Breeze Sweet Tea is a must when gathered 'round on the porch or if you are on the go! Our zero calorie flavors are steeped in sweet Southern tradition but not in calories! No need for sugar here, sugar-the sweetness is already there in the tea bag. What's your most favorite Southern sayin' that you say time and time again? Share with us in the comments below!